Now, more than ever, it is essential to reduce energy usage — save power to save money. A Home Energy Audit can help homeowners identify where their home is wasting electricity and money. Unfortunately, hiring a professional can be costly. Have no fear; there is a simple checklist that homeowners can use to help identify some of the most common issues that are costing them money.

Check for Proper Insulation
Not all homes are insulated equally. If you live in an older home, chances are that the insulation needs to be better. Take some time to research how homes were insulated the year your home was built. You may identify opportunities to upgrade and/or install additional insulation that will help reduce your energy consumption.
Check for Drafts and Air Leaks
When searching your home for drafts and air leaks, check electrical outlets, baseboards, windows, doors, and plumbing fixtures. If you feel cold air (or warm air, depending on what time of year it is), you need to make an effort to seal those leaks. Foam is your best bet for filling large gaps found in plumbing and electrical fixtures, whereas caulk works to fill in smaller gaps.
Check the Heating and Cooling System
One of the easiest things you can do to ensure that the Heating and Cooling system is running efficiently is to replace the filters when they become dirty. Changing your filter every other month should suffice. Along with the filter, make sure that you clean the vents. As much as we would love for an AC to last 20-plus years, that isn’t realistic. If your unit is over 15 years old, start thinking about replacing it with an Energy Star unit, which is sure to reduce energy usage and save you money.
Check Lightbulbs and Light Fixtures
You need to use energy-efficient lightbulbs to save money on your electricity. According to the US Department of Energy, 15% of the average household’s electricity usage is due to lighting. When you switch out old incandescent lightbulbs for LED bulbs can save you more than just a pretty penny. Take a second to understand the energy savings the right lightbulbs provides.
More Things to Do to Reduce Energy Usage and Save Money
Unplugging electronics and appliances can stop them from drawing power when not used. Ensure your dryer is working correctly and not needing extra time to dry your clothes by keeping the lint trap clean. Keep doors closed to unoccupied rooms. When doors are closed your Heating and Cooling System are not working to keep that room cool or warm. Keep your water heater working efficiently by having built-up sediment cleaned.
Having a professional conduct a home energy audit is the best way to assess where your home is wasting energy and money. When hiring a pro isn’t part of your budget, you can run a simple audit yourself. Anything you can do to reduce your energy consumption will assist in keeping your electric bill down. Check out some other tips and tricks to help you keep a handle on your electric bill. Keep tabs on your usage with Pogo. With Pogo, you will receive a daily text that keeps you informed. Learn More about Switching to Pogo Energy and how we can help save you money. Stop stalling and make Pogo your electric company and get same day power on with no credit check, no deposit and no headache.